so last year I had this master plan of doing all these extravagant things such as obtaining an Irish passport and seeing earthworks...well none of that happened, for numerous reasons but probably most likely cause i am kinda lazy like that (aka have real world, boring stuff to deal with instead). I looked into those things just never actually went about it, maybe this Summer I will actually do them...maybe. I really want to see the earthworks (like the Spiral Jetty), a few things are holding me back though.
1. Mode of transportation: I do not know if my 'lovely' cavalier can honestly last going across the country. It is for sure on my to-do list to pimp-it out this Summer (aka make it decent looking, like get a thing called a muffler & Walmart hubcaps).
2. Companion? This is the sort of trip I wouldn't mind doing on my own at all but I am unsure if tiny, little me should venture to 'The West' on my own. But so far I have not convinced anyone crazy enough to go.
3. Bears & other sorts of beasts that would probably like to make me their snack: I have built up my survival skills with watching Bear Grylls and 'I'm Alive' on Animal Planet but I don't quite think I am up to par on the Not-To-Dos to camping. By all this I mean that I would want to camp in the places I go to. I mean one, I am broke and two why spend the money to stay in a not so amazing hotel when the great outdoors is so welcoming?! yeah exactly. This also would help me satisfy my qualifications for me traveling to all 50-states; in order for me to check one off the list I either need to spend a mass amount of time in the state (a day), explore a unique place/landmark of it, and/or spend a night there. This is where I lose people in joining me. But anyways I need to study up on camping and what to do to not attract unwanted guests. Oh also, I want a tent like this

As you can tell, I have thought and day-dreamed about this all too much. Maybe if I don't go anywhere I will just camp-out in my yard for the majority of the summer, but that seems like an incomparable alternative.