Monday, March 28, 2011


'Wisdom: I loved her...'
acrylic on canvas
One belated Christmas present down, one to go! My sister wanted a painting from her wedding photos so yeah, it is their wedding rings and a segment from the book of Wisdom. I kinda got lost after awhile with all the grays and white but it is a painting not a photo so it can have freedom from perfection and have a human quality to it. Or at least that's my theory. Next is Nik's, my nephew aka Pickles, quilt.

Another painting I did for Christmas was one for my padre. I completed it in a day and got irritated with the background so not my best work but still pretty epic.

'Favre (aka Glory Days)'
acrylic on canvas
2010 (not the greatest photo but eh)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

some say I am rad...


it may be because I know the Napoleon Dynamite dance...

or that I may bust out some moves from Shakira (1:11 for sure was seen on Halloween)

I by no means am saying I can dance good, but yeah.
Other song I love to dance to are No Scrubs: TLC, Nelly Furtado: Maneater and lately when Black Eyed Peas: Just Can't Get Enough comes on the radio when I am driving, yeah, sight to be seen. ha.

I am still trying to learn this dance, or at least some moves from it...

Other than watching youtube videos and wanting to dance I finished another piece.
acrylic on canvas

Originally I envisioned like a mauve/pink instead of the light parchment color but I think my detest for red killed that. Usually I go with my intuition and stick to my first thought but I eased into a comfortable palette and am quite happy with the end result. 

Monday, March 21, 2011


On my mind:
   - my eyelashes; I can feel them touch my eyelids, quite bothersome.
   - fall semester; schedule classes.
   - create, create, create; and not just stuff I still need to get done but expand my horizons, test my creativity.
   - food; going to attempt an eggplant pizza recipe I found at work.
   - apartment search, still.
   - urge to dance.

I will keep this short due to my fear of being judged. But anyways, I really need to get back on track for working out, my spring break was too jam packed with stuff that I did not have time to make it to the odd gym hours. I caught up on a few other things; worked on a few paintings, cleaned, cut out hundreds of quilt patches, did some hardcore napping and now back to classes.

Here is one of the pieces I made:
acrylic, gesso, graphite (and hairspray)

it came about from a typography project I did and developed from there. It's nothing much, quite a play on words; love the font and the process - I was quite at ease making it, not flustered or worried about what the end project would but just went with it. Really like the human quality to it as well; I chose to leave my smudges and measure marks to give it a raw effect and show the process - plus I really love to mix gesso and graphite.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

creativity at its best

Salvador Dali: Surrealist Spaniard circa 1930s
^ thinking I should put this back up in my apartamento ^

^ laptop background ^

Alphonse Mucha: Czech Art Nouveau circa 1900
love Art Nouveau in general, ornate details and pattern work

 Muller-Brockmann: Swiss graphic designer circa 1950s

just a few talented people who I am extremely jealous of.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

art from freshman year

'Classy Not Classic'
acrylic on canvas
2008/2009, GV gallery
(texture study: implied, flat, and imagined)

'Beef Head (Burrito)'
(realistic and abstract observation of bull skull: title influnenced by East side burrito trailers)

(hatching study: should of fixed myself up instead of just rolling out of bed)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

el tigre

 'Untitled (Mizzou Tiger)'
acrylic on canvas

I feel like I haven't created anything in awhile.
maybe I will get my butt in gear over spring break.
I have a quilt for my nephew and a painting for my sister on my to-do list...def need more.